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Who and what is... ​

​Girl at War (G.A.W.)

​​You can call me Kiki...​


I am an aspiring fiction writer, author of Blood of Zee: Unfinished Business. I've always loved to write. Writing has been my escape since I was a little girl. My mother likes to tell this story about when I was in the sixth grade: For Halloween, we had to write a scary story for class. After I turned in my scary story, my parents were called for a student-teacher conference to discuss whether or not I had been abused because the detail I used in my short story was extremely graphic. After it was established that I wasn't abused, my teacher then asked if I had plagiarized. For some odd reason, that was one of my proudest moments! My current eBook, Blood of Zee: Unfinished Business, is available on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble Nook. It is the first in my short story series--a prelude.


I operate two blogs, Girl at War and Girl at War Writes. Both are accessible via this website as well as their respective blog addresses. Girl at War is my personal blog that I had began for my Electronic Publishing class. I enjoyed it so much that I kept it up. Girl at War Writes is a blog that displays my creative writing: essays, short stories, poems and sneak peaks into my book(s).


I am also gamer and I primarily play World of Warcraft, as well as Call of Duty, Mortal Kombat and so much more. I am also a world traveler and I'm a total dog lover. I have two Miniature Schnauzers, Lady Belle and Lilly. They are my babies, my little cuddle-bears. I'm one of those annoying people who posts pics of their dogs  on Facebook all the time.


​I chose the name Girl at War because I was raised an Army brat, spent several years in the Middle East, including Iraq, as an Army contractor, have worked for the military my entire adult life and am now married to an Army man. I have used Public Relations and Event Planning in almost every job that I have had and I enjoyed it so much, I decided to concentrate my degree in it. I feel like I'm always at war with something and that's not really a bad thing. I'm just a girl who fights for what she wants and what she believes in.




​Most recently, I decided to become a BeachBody Coach and take control of my weight-loss and health. I have decided to make my body my business and use my health and transformation to help others. Of course, I am a work in progress, but one of the things I love about BeachBody is that everyone is a work in progress. You have to start from somewhere. And Beachbody doesn't promise easy, overnight results. They promise that you're gonna work hard and love it! BeachBody is all about accountability, taking control of your life and your health. I watched it help my friend Lindsey transform and feel better about herself as she helps others to achieve what she's going for as well. I guess it's fitting that my favorite workout program is the Les Mills Combat--fitting for a girl at war!




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